The Solent Chart Pack | Kildale Marine
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The Solent Chart Pack
The Solent Chart Pack

The Solent Chart Pack

Regular price £54.95 Sale

A convenient A2 format chart pack of The Solent and Isle of Wight provided wirobound in a sturdy plastic wallet.

This fully revised and extended edition of our popular 2200 The Solent chart pack has been redesigned and expanded to 16 sheets. It includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray''s network to make it ideal for small craft. The chart pack includes all the navigational charts and tidal data for passage, approach and mooring.

Included in this edition is improved coverage of the East Solent harbours. Chichester, Langstone and Portsmouth Harbour are now shown across five new sheets allowing these harbours and approaches to be covered at a better scale.

A new sheet has been added to show coastal navigation off the south coast of Isle of Wight, and a new index sheet of the Solent Approaches is now included.

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